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Engineering Interview

Writer: TOG TOG

Today I have a special feature with Adam, an Engineering student from Oxford University.

So Adam, how many interviews did you have?

I had two interviews at the college I applied to.

What were your different interviews on?

In the first interview I was asked about my A Level Maths, why I enjoyed Engineering and I was also asked to describe how a cordless telephone works.

My second interview was about the effect of wind on the forces in the structure of tall buildings and about the biomechanics of hurdling ( I had talked about my passion for hurdling in my personal statement).

Were you given any unseen material to analyse before your interview?

No I wasn’t.

Did the tutors push you out of your comfort zone?

Yes, definitely. I felt like my first interview went absolutely terribly. They often start with something you are comfortable talking about but then get you to develop it until you find yourself answering questions on things you have never thought about before.

Did you get into the college you applied to?

Yes I did but I know lots of people who were offered places at other colleges.

What top tips would you give prospective Engineering applicants?

  • Make sure you know your personal statement inside out and back to front.

  • Be natural in your interview – it’s about the tutors being able to get on with you and work with you, as well as your academic ability.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions – they appreciate you trying and this allows them to see your thought process.

  • Being arrogant is always going to put the tutors off!

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