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Wider Mental Health Support - Oxford

Writer: TOG TOG

Wider University

Beyond college there is other support within the university. Many large student societies have welfare officers, and equally there are university-wide peer support services for LGBTQ+ students (Rainbow Peers) and BAME students (Peers of colour).

I am the current chair of OSDC (the Oxford Students’ Disability Community), which is the SU campaign for disabled students. As part of our campaign, we run a number of Facebook groups (many of which are ‘secret’), which support specific mental health conditions, so students can speak to other students in their position. Get in touch via our Facebook page, or email for more details. We also run campaigns supporting students, and hold an ‘Art for the Heart’ mental health social every two weeks.

There are other resources for mental health within the university. The university has a campaign branch for Student Minds, a charity working on supporting and researching student mental health. At Oxford, the committee campaign, run events and also offer peer support groups for both eating difficulties and low mood/depression. Oxford Mental Health Network are a relatively new resource in Oxford, started by students, which details a big database of mental health resources in Oxford – from counsellors to support groups and much more. Finally, Oxford Nightline is a phone line for students, open during term times 8pm-8am, where you can call up and speak to trained volunteer students confidentially about anything you would like to get off your chest. The number can be found on every student bod card.

Finally, the counselling service is an important resource run by the university. It often has long waiting lists sadly, and often you can only see counsellors for limited periods of time, but it is a resource which all students are eligible to use, for whatever reason you would like. You can email the service to make an appointment – they can also help to refer you onto local services if you need them.

Wider Oxford

Lastly, when you join the university you have to register with your college’s GP surgery. It is definitely useful to register quickly and develop a good relationship with a GP you trust in Oxford, particularly if you require prescriptions for medication. The local hospital that has specialist mental health clinics is called Warneford Hospital, and has some of the best research clinics for specific mental health conditions in the world. Admittedly, the waiting lists can be long, but nonetheless, they can be used if you need more specific treatment or diagnosis.

If you have any further questions about mental health support in Oxford, the university, colleges, or in regards to applications, feel free to email the disability community (OSDC) at for more information – we are happy to help.

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