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Open Days this week!

Writer's picture: TOG TOG

This week is your chance to look around Oxford Uni, at the University open days!

What you choose to do with the open days, is really up to you but I thought I'd share my experience of the day, in order to give you an idea of what to expect:

I headed to the July open day with my mum. We split off at different points during the day which meant we could cover more ground. There is so much to see at the open days; if you do go with somebody and are able to, I recommend going to different talks etc., to get the most out of the day!

I started the day at St Anne's, with a talk by an English tutor. He was really friendly but I found myself freaking out. He was discussing a poem with us and all of the other prospective applicants had so much to say on it, whereas I was too scared to open my mouth. I thought everyone was so much cleverer than me and panicked that I'd be remembered as the timid girl who had nothing to say about the texts. Remember, the open days aren't a test. The tutors will meet so many prospective applicants over the few days and at no point are they analysing you - at this stage they don't even know whether you will apply!

Whilst I was at the talk, my mum had looked around some of the colleges in the centre. She picked a few she thought I'd like to take me back to. A current student took me around Wadham; she was so lovely and welcoming, it immediately destroyed my preconceptions that I wouldn't fit in at Oxford.

Then we went to Balliol. An English student showed me around. She talked passionately about her course and told me they even had a whole reading week, where students could read whatever they liked, just for fun! The thought of it all was so exciting.

We stuffed our pre-packed sandwiches in on the go, desperate to make the most of every bit of the day and headed off the English Faculty. A senior tutor gave a talk about the course. At the end I went up and asked her about applying to Oxford with a long term illness and how it would work if I missed time off uni in hospital. She couldn't really provide me with any information and I felt disheartened. However, on reflection my question was one for the colleges and welfare teams. There were other talks all about these topics, so it's worth ensuring you direct your questions to the right person. If you're not sure who, feel free to message me and I will try my best to direct you!

By the end of the day I was so set on applying to Oxford; the thought of studying here had me buzzing with excitement. Of course, you might find it's not for you and that's ok too - this is your chance to decide what's best for YOU!

Be proud you can consider looking around Oxford Uni - it's an achievement in itself but it is of course by no means the only option. So compare it to the other unis you've seen and choose where feels right for you.

Most of all - enjoy the open days!

Tilly x

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