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Nerves Kicking In...

By Tilly Rose

Ahhh Freshers' is nearly upon you and those nerves are starting to kick in!

You've no doubt got a strange mix of panic and excitement going on, meaning your days are adrenaline fuelled and it's hard to chill out and enjoy that last bit of time at home.

With Oxford terms starting later than most other UK unis, your friends have probably already set off and you are next...

Everyone is nervous - you're not just starting uni, you're starting at the TOP uni in the world. Anyone would be scared! Remember though, you have gone through a super tough application process to get here and you deserve this place!

Get organised - Oxford terms are short and intense. Organisation is key. Fill out all the forms you've been sent, get them submitted ahead of time, plan your packing list, start putting your stuff together early and try to do some of the pre-reading, so you don't have a sudden stress in freshers' week!

Relax - try your best to chill a little, binge on your favourite tv drama, go for a walk, do some yoga, spend time with your family Take some time out, as once you get to Oxford it will be full-on!

Get excited - join your college Facebook groups, join the Freshers' Instagram, read our posts on the blog under 'Starting Oxford' and start to feel the buzz! You have a truly unique journey ahead of you!


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